Weekly Photo Challenge: Journey

30 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Journey”

  1. The silver and mandarin one was mine. My husband christened it the ‘Dyson’ because it was the same colour as my vacuum cleaner. What a flaming cheek eh!


  2. The number of ‘silver riders’ there are in Canada is incredible. They all seem to be riding Harleys too. They are everywhere in the summer. They do make me jealous. I think its the freedom that is associated with just getting on a bike and riding somewhere.
    I love this shot Jude. there is a calmness in the photo. I love the lines you have of the road side, the cables and then the mountains. It makes an interesting shot.


    1. Thanks Kate. I started serious biking about 12 years ago. For me there’s an amazing combination of freedom and adrenalin. Loved those BMW’s in the photo, which we sold last year to buy a camper-van – which is now up for sale so we can go back to bikes! I can’t wait.


    1. Scuba! Ah yes – I loved that too. Ten years or so mostly diving around the UK – especially Scotland. Scapa Flow was the best ever. No dry-suits needed for Key West I bet. I bet the variety and colours of the fish were just wonderful down there.


      1. I started diving in the cold waters off the coast of New Hampshire and Maine. After diving in the Carolinas, Key West, and the Bahamas, I haven’t been in the water around here since. All that warm water and tropical fish pretty much spoiled me!


      2. Ah Jeff – but there are fantastic things to discover in cold water. Amazing life living in and clinging to wrecks. And nothing like the looming ghostly battleships on the bottom of Scapa-Flow! Go get a dry-suit!


  3. what a fantastic way to travel AND to honeymoon!! Love the ‘dyson’!! Glad you’ve come to your senses and are getting back to bikes. Great picture!!!


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